I am a developer of PETSc, an open source library of parallel solvers and related tools. We currently have a great deal of redundancy on our mailing lists and are looking for ways to provide better answers with less effort. Our FAQ answers a lot of the common questions, but users rarely search this or the mailing lists before asking questions by email. Note that many of our FAQ questions are clearly relevant to a larger scientific computing audience, for example
- Why is Newton's method not converging?
- Why is the linear solver not converging?
- How can I determine the condition number of a matrix?
What about more package-specific questions?
- How do I access the values of a parallel PETSc vector on a different process than owns them?
- What does "Detected zero pivot in LU factorization" mean?
- When should/can I use the ./configure option --with-64-bit-indices?
Here is an example of a reasonably non-duplicative petsc-users thread that I think could become a good question:
To what extent would package-specific user support questions be allowed here? Assume that they are tagged [petsc]
and that duplicates are managed by us. (We do the work anyway, but I think it would be more valuable in this setting than restricted to mailing lists.)